
pict1 Serbia


Phone: 1

E-Mail: 1

Web site: 1

Contact picture Founded: 2001
C.E.O: 1
Managed by: 1
Number of staff: 1
Languages spoken: 1

Serbia, is a landlocked country in Central and Southeastern Europe, covering the southern part of the Pannonian Plain and the central part of the Balkan Peninsula. It is bordered by Hungary on the north; Romania and Bulgaria on the east; Albania and Macedonia on the south; and Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the west. The capital is Belgrade. 

Currency:1 Dinar New of Yugoslavia (YD) = 100 paras

Serbia and Montenegro formally declared its independency between each other in the Referendum about the independence of Montenegro in May 2006.

The official languages are Serbian that uses the Cyrillic alphabet, Albanese and Hungarian.